Kalea's Learning Portfolio


“Wrapping Up” my Yoga Inquiry…

Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

My Pose Repertoire:

While I have of course came across a few more poses during my inquiry process, these are the ones that I practice regularly and would immediately be able to recognize if someone else was performing them! While the inquiry process is coming to an end, my pose repertoire will certainly continue to grow into the future! View my previous posts under the “free inquiry” section on my blogs home page to view the breakdowns of these poses, or search them on Yoga Journal to find detailed step-by-step guides in full!

My Favourite Poses:

I’d have to say my favourite poses that I’ve come across so far are certainly childs pose, cobra pose and downward dog! All three of these pose provide me with an instant refresh in the morning, after sitting on my computer too long, or even help me relax before bed! If you were just looking for a few poses to start your practice, you must start with these three!

Continuing Meditation:

This week I decided to try out the “focusing on breathing method that I discussed in my previous inquiry post! I found it difficult to relax and focus on my breathing in complete silence, so I listened to an ocean waves audio (embedded below), on a very low volume to help get out of my head! This week I tried to double my time to 10 minutes, and I definitely found it easier to focus on breathing with some white noise, over focusing on sound alone! I’m really starting to enjoy these short meditation practices, and I’m likely going to start doing it more than once a week because doing it before bed is just so relaxing!

Below is a video that would be great to use if you wanted to introduce meditation to your children or students! It’s more of an audio as there are no pictures or graphics (just a pretty green screen), but it’s still a great resource because you’re supposed to focus on your mind and body while meditating, not watch a video! While the first meditation attempt with your students may no go quite as planned, the more often you practice with them, the more they will adapt and benefit from its practice!

Goals for Next Week:

Next week comes the finale! I hope to share (again) the resources that have helped me along this journey and answer the following questions:

  • What have I learned along my yoga journey?
  • What about my life has changed?
  • Will I continue to practice yoga and mediation?
  • Where will I take this inquiry next?
  • What was my favourite part about this inquiry journey?
  • What are some tips I would give to people who want to begin their yoga practice?


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